The Importance of Regular Pool & Spa Water Testing

The Importance of Regular Pool & Spa Water Testing


Swimming pools provide hours of entertainment, as well as a terrific opportunity for low impact cardiovascular exercise. However, swimming pools can present some hidden dangers if they are not properly cleaned and maintained. In fact, swimming pools that aren’t regularly tested and balanced can be unsafe. The Center for Disease Control has reported that the number of illnesses caused by recreational water illnesses (RWI) has risen in recent years.

The most common RWI is diarrhea, though infections of the ear, skin, eye and respiratory system have been linked to unsanitary swimming pools. Fortunately, you can lessen the likelihood of contracting a RWI by maintaining a properly sanitized and balanced pool. This means though, that you should not count on your pool cleaner to test and balance the water in your swimming pool. Instead, you should be testing the water a minimum of once a week for residential pools, though 2-3 times a week is advisable. Commercial pool operators are required to test the levels of pools multiple times per day.

In addition to preventing illness, testing your pool water will help to prevent corrosion of your pool and corresponding equipment. Test kits are available to allow you to test the pH levels of your pool to ensure that total alkalinity is in the proper range. It also ensures that the calcium levels of your swimming pool are at the proper level.

Automatic chemical feeders can help you to ensure that the proper levels of chlorine are being distributed into your pool, with almost no effort on your part. Available as floating chemical dispensers, in-line automatic chlorinators, off-line automatic chlorinators, and for salt water pools, these automatic chemical feeders can help to keep your pool safety and sanitary for your recreation and exercise routines.

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